Peer Review Statement

The Nordic Journal of Legal Studies uses a double-blind peer review process where neither the authors nor the reviewers are aware of each other’s identities. This process supports the impartial assessment of manuscripts and enhances the quality of published research.


The peer review process is essential for all submissions to the Nordic Journal of Legal Studies, including articles and case commentaries. An exception to the rule can be made only exceptionally and such shall be noted as part of the published article. The process assesses the validity and originality of the submitted manuscripts.


  1. Submission: Authors must ensure their manuscripts are anonymized, removing any identifying information, including author names, affiliations, or any direct references to the authors’ previous work.
  2. Initial Screening: The editorial team conducts an initial review to ensure compliance with journal guidelines, thematic relevance, and overall suitability.
  3. Reviewer Selection: Manuscripts passing initial screening are assigned to at least one reviewer with suitable expertise in the manuscript topic.
  4. Review: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on content quality, originality, relevance, and clarity. They provide feedback to the author as well as a recommendation to the editorial board on whether to accept or reject the manuscript.
  5. Decision: The editorial team considers the reviewers’ feedback and makes a decision on the manuscript. Authors are notified and provided with reviewer comments.


Feedback from reviewers is aimed at being constructive, focusing on helping authors improve their work, irrespective of whether the manuscript is ultimately accepted or rejected.